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Kamikaze Pre-Workout Energy Variety Pack 12 x 500ml


Kamikaze Pre-Workout Energy Variety Pack 12 x 500ml

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Enjoy the variety Kamikaze 12 pack, there are 3 cans per flavour including Creaming Soda, Slushy Madness, Rainbow Gummy and Hawaiian Splice. Kamikaze (breath of God) is for the doers, we work hard, we play hard, we gym hard, while surrounding ourselves with the tools and people to live our best lives. Kamikaze support fierce focus so keep crushing life with a Kamikaze in your hand.


Specifications:  This product may not be right for you. Always read the label and warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. Vitamin and mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

Brand Kamikaze
Manufactured In Australia
Product Dimensions Product: W 200 x H 180 x D 2270 mm
With Packaging: D 1200 x W 1200 x H 1200 mm
Product Weight Product: 6.59 kg
With Packaging: 9.80 kg




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